2017 White Sox Claim Eighth Consecutive Crown in 45+ Division of Chesapeake MSBL

Chesapeake MSBL, 45+ Division

White Sox 10, A’s 1

‘An Amazing String of Eight Straight Titles’

Submitted by Ron Ebelein, White Sox manager

The 45+ White Sox captured the 2017 Chesapeake MSBL championship, making it the eighth consecutive season for the Chesapeake White Sox winning both the league championship and the playoffs!!

We finished the regular season at 18-5 and went 3-0 in the playoffs. The combined record for the last eight seasons is 129-34-4 and in the playoffs we are a perfect 23-0. During that span we outscored our opponents 1819 runs scored vs 957 given up!!

This season the team was led by the strong pitching of Bobby Engelmeyer, Steve Hoffmann, Dave Cross and Ron Ebelein.

Batting was led by Alex Burnett, Rick Cannon, Dub Daniels, Dave Eason, Earl Gardner, Brian Green, Cleon Jones, Jeff Pate, Frank Raska, Bill Ratford, Sall Rosselli, Mark Robey, Doug Rupple, Gerry Shay, Gerald Thompson, Glenn Vance, Wayne Vance, Joe Walsh, Paul Whitlock, Jeff Wolf and Kevin Williams.