2017 Spokane Astros Post Outstanding Season at Inland Northwest MSBL
Inland Northwest 18+ Division (Spokane, WA)
‘First Year Astros Post Exceptional Season’
Submitted by Mike LaFranchise, Spokane Astros
We are the Spokane Astros. This is our first year as the Astros although I have managed in this league for five years. We were previously the Orioles but we were not having much success. This year we wanted to change things up and were committed to being a top competitor in the league. We had nine returners and added four new players.
Our team members are Mike LaFranchise, Nick LaFranchise, Jay Ploharz, Joseph Ploharz, Jeff Beaty, Cameron Casedy, Thomas Kestell, Cyris Canfield, Royfel Granda, Juan Garcia, Kasey Sargent, Jared Smith, Ian Josquin and AT Hurtado.
I believe that this fresh start added to the team moral as well as adding new players. Our team chemistry is great and played a big part in our success. We are playing this Fall and are exited about that. Everyone is returning next year for Summer and we plan on being even better!