Tri-Valley (CA) MSBL Welcomes 15 New Members to their Distinguished Hall of Fame

This year’s Tri-Valley MSBL Hall of Fame Inductee Banquet was expanded to include a Crab Feed Fundraising event. On March 4th, the league honored the 2022 inductees and those from the 2021 class that were not able to attend the previous banquet mainly due to Covid concerns.
The inductees honored were:
* Art Scears
* Gus Manning
* Scott Kawaguchi
* Jesus Williams
* Eddie Delzer
* Vince Duffy
* Mike Wilgus
* Vic Viegas
* Marty Schroedter
* Stan Holloway
* Fred Hamann (umpire)
* Don DeCordova, (Lifetime Achievement)
* Jerry Emanuelson (2021)
* Pat Carroll (2021)
* Pops Menise (2021)

This event included a crab feed fundraiser with a silent auction, live auction, and a 50/50 raffle. The auction items included a week at a resort on Kauai, Country Club Golf passes, sports memorabilia, and many other items that made this fundraising event a success with over 160 attendees. The TV MSBL HOF Chairman, Mike “Pank” Pankow, moved the HOF election process and ceremony to the off-season to keep the baseball camaraderie relevant through the winter.

Tri-Valley’s President, Bruce Fraser, and his wife Betty Vineyard, formed and led a committee to plan and hold the banquet. He also opened the ceremonies by giving the State of the League address. A big part of the evening that raised about half the net proceeds was a variety of auction items (i.e., silent, live, 50/50 raffle) led by Skip Stephens. Leo Costa was able to get his De La Salle freshman high school baseball players as servers which really helped to keep the event on schedule. Each Inductee had a presenter, and photo collage projected prominently on large TV monitors at the front of the banquet hall, and was honored with an embroidered windbreaker jacket as their award. The complete list of the league’s HOF members may be seen on the league’s website located at
This was an incredibly successful event that raised much-needed funds to help reduce the league’s operating expenses, so we wanted to share the good news with our MSBL nation.
Article and photos contributed by Mike “Pank” Pankow