Tommy Bottichio and First Responder Wife Lindsay Stay Dedicated During Breakout

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Tommy Bottichio lives in Marietta, Georgia and plays in the 18-over National division on the powerhouse Atlanta MSBL. He is now entering his seventh year in Atlanta after spending a couple of years in the Columbus MSBL, as player/manager in both leagues. He currently manages the Atlanta Blue Sox and was at the helm with the Columbus Clydesdales in Ohio.
Tommy was nice enough to answer a few questions for us regarding how his baseball and personal life may have changed due to our current health crisis. Tommy’s wife Lyndsay is a CDC epidemiologist and working on the front lines as a first responder.
“My wife Lyndsay serves as my bench coach and scorekeeper. She is integral to our team and it is such a wonderful thing to have such a supportive spouse. We met in college as she was also the scorekeeper at Ohio Wesleyan. She is a baseball fanatic.
Lyndsay is a CDC epidemiologist and is on special assignment for this outbreak response. She has been working 15-hour days to follow the outbreak and make recommendations to keep us safe. We have the best people in the world working to combat this pandemic, many I know personally. I can’t say enough good things about the will and ability of these folks. We will eventually get through this troubling and unprecedented time, but we need people to strictly heed quarantine protocols and stay safe. Even healthy people are getting very sick and although you may be asymptomatic, you can still pass this virus on to someone more vulnerable in the community.
There are circumstances in our lives where life is bigger than the game. We have to keep a healthy perspective of where baseball fits into this complex dynamic. We will have baseball again one day. For those of us still blessed to lace up the spikes, I feel it will be even more gratifying when we can get between the lines again…hopefully soon! This time of crisis is a reminder to be thankful for everything we normally take for granted.

I am following a home workout featuring a lot if calisthenics and jumping rope to stay in baseball shape and I also watch a lot of Tiger owner documentaries and now have the time to cook some great food! I look forward to the MSBL Fall Classic with the Atlanta Reds.”