Steve Lundeberg Recruits Wife for Wiffles, Tennis Balls and a Game of Catch

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Steve Lundeberg is a veteran of the Willamette Valley MSBL in Salem, Oregon and currently plays in the 40-over division, this being his 27th season. He hails from Lebanon, Oregon and is currently under a ‘stay at home’ order from the governor and his employer, Oregon State University.
With a little bit of time on his hands of late, we asked Steve what he is doing to stay in the game and what his thoughts are regarding the crisis our nation currently faces. Below is our Q & A with Steve:
What is your biggest takeaway from our current coronavirus outbreak? My biggest takeaway isrealizing how quickly things can change all across the societal landscape. Not just baseball-wise – I was in Vegas when the Kickoff Classic shut down – but everywhere. In the span of a few days, things went from normal to surreal, with staying healthy just one concern among many – including avoiding economic catastrophe.
What are you doing to stay engaged with baseball? My wife and I play a lot of catch, and hit wiffles, tennis balls and Lite-Flites when we can find an open area. I also have hitting-drill stations in my back yard and garage. Beyond that, I watch a lot of MLB Network, and I’m rereading a bio on Mickey Mantle.
Are you still able to workout regularly during this period? Thankfully, yes.I have dumbbells and other workout equipment at home, and the work-from-home flexibility gives me an opportunity to go running every day as well.

What special activities are you and/or your family able to participate in? Beyond our baseball stuff and running/walking with our dogs, there’s not a lot we can do outside. We play a lot of Scrabble and have been working our way through “The Wire.”
Will you be participating in any national fall tournaments this year? Probably not this fall.Our Willamette Valley-based group played in Arizona in 2017 and 2019, but the economic uncertainties associated with the pandemic will likely keep us home this year.
Any additional comments? My overriding hope is for people to get through this multifaceted challenge as best they can, knowing that many are suffering not just from the virus but from financial pressures, mental health issues and various other serious stressors related to a cratering economy and the loss of freedoms.
All of us who love baseball are missing our usual springtime routines, and that’s not to be taken lightly either. Especially when you’re 40, 50 or older (56 in my case) and still care enough to prepare and play, baseball is truly part of you, not just some casual activity. I hope all of us throughout the baseball brotherhood and beyond can hang tough, take care of each other and be ready to thrive again when this is all over.