Red Thompson ‘Go Fund Me’ Update
Submitted by Tom Prendergast, MSBL World Series Tournament Director
We’ve Reached Our Fund-Raising Goal of $20,000 for Red and Judy
The MSBL Version of “It’s A Wonderful Life”!

A couple of weeks ago, Mike Cadenazzi called me to let me know about Red’s condition and the problems he and Judy were experiencing. He told me that he received a call from Sam Kayae, who told him that Red wasn’t doing so well and needed some help.
He wanted to know if we could contact the MSBL umpires and see if we could collect a couple thousand dollars to help them out with some unexpected repair bills. I told him I would call Jon Browar (MSBL National UIC) and see if he could send out an email blast to all of our umpires.
I told Jon about the phone call I received from Mike and asked him if he would email all of our officials to see if any of them would be interested in donating money to Red. He told me he would be glad to do that and was sure the umpires would come through for him. But he suggested that I start a Go Fund Me page, which would allow anyone to make a donation, online and by using their credit card. He told me that it was way more efficient and would reach a much wider audience. I told him I never heard of this company but I would look into it.
And boy was he right. After setting up the page on behalf of Red and Judy, I contacted MSBL President, Steve Sigler who gave me the green light to not only post a story on our website, but to send out an email blast to the entire membership of the MSBL nationwide.

My next call went to Steve LaMontia (MSBL Director of Communications) and I asked for his assistance in getting the word out that Red and Judy needed some help. Needless to say, he came through with flying colors and posted the story on the MSBL website the next day.
After that email went out the donations started coming in. It was downright amazing. There’s no doubt that Red Thompsons situation was alarming to so many who knew him and compelled over 270 people to send money, and lots of it.
I have spoken with both Red and Judy and they wanted everyone to know just how grateful and thankful they are to the entire MSBL community for the overwhelming show of financial support and well wishes they have received.
And Red is looking forward to thanking each and every one of you personally at the 2021 MSBL / MABL World Series.
Thank you very much!
Tom Prendergast
A Special Heartfelt Thank You Note to the MSBL Community from Red and Judy Thompson:
“Words cannot begin to tell you how humbled and grateful Red and I are to all who donated their hard-earned money to him.
We realize how difficult it is in this time when many of us are unable to work outside our homes.
We are grateful for all your thoughts and prayers.
Thank you and God Bless one and all.”
Red and Judy Thompson
If you wish to contribute to Red and Judy’s ongoing battle, HERE is the link to their Go Fund Me page. Thank you in advance for your generosity.