Player Profile: Jason Yormark, Puget Sound Senior Baseball League
During this brief lull in the action, MSBL would like to share what is going on throughout the leagues across the country by reaching out their players and managers as we await the beginning of the action. We recently received a Q & A from Jason Yormark, who plays in the Puget Sound Senior Baseball League

Name and where you live Jason Yormark, Snohomish, WA
What league and age division do you play in? Puget Sound Senior Baseball League, 45+ Division
How long have you played in your MSBL league? I’ve played a combined 20 years for the MSBL.
What is your biggest takeaway from our current coronavirus outbreak? Our country was not prepared for this. Mentally, physically or logistically.
What are you doing to stay engaged with baseball? I’m playing quite a bit of MLB The Show 20, and re-watching the 2016 Chicago Cubs post season run.

Are you still able to workout regularly during this period? Somewhat. At the very least, my wife and I are committed to maintaining our physical conditions through virtual workouts, and some outdoor walks and runs.
What special activities are you and/or your family able to participate in? Honestly, after a few weeks, nothing at home really feels “special”. We make delicious meals, watch some cool shows, movies, but the repetitiveness of being confined to our home doesn’t make anything really feel special.
Will you be participating in any national fall tournaments this year? Assuming this passes by then, I plan on participating in the Fall World Series in Arizona.
Any personal comments? My hope is that more people will take this serious and self-quarantine. It’s an all or nothing solution. The sooner we commit to that, the sooner we can turn this thing around. If not, we’re just going to be in this situation much longer.