
Player Pool

Looking to catch on with national tournament team? Fill out the form below and hit 'submit'

Please use the following two-digit codes when filling out the 'tournament' box:


WS: (2025) World Series: October 19-November 8, Phoenix, Arizona

FC: (2025) Fall Classic: November 9-22, Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Florida

KC: (2025) Kickoff Classic: March 1-3 (one weekend) Las Vegas Nevada  

HC: (2025) Holiday Classic : March 6-9, Sanford, Florida

DC: (2025) Desert Classic: January 18-20, Palm Springs, California  

LO: (2025) Las Vegas Open: May 24-26, Las Vegas, Nevada 

SC: (2025) Sunshine Classic: February 21-24, Panama City, Florida 

SS: (2025) Stars and Stripes: May 23-26, West Palm Beach, Florida

CC: (2025) Caribbean Winter Baseball Championship: Jan. 30, 31, Feb. 1, 2, Puerto Rico


player pool snip 8292022
date of birth snip

Please limit your comments to 25 words. Thank you!

Listed below are players looking for any national tournament teams

Please note that when your entry becomes one year old it will be removed and you have to resend a new entry

All new entries are added to the bottom

To help managers find players for specific tournaments we have added a 'search' box above the first column. Simply type in WS or FC, for example, or even '55+' or 'P' or 'SS' in that box to narrow your search and any entries will automatically appear at the top. Be sure to type a comma after seeking a certain position. For example, 'SS, 1B, LF'


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As a manager or player, please email if you have been picked up so that we can remove your name and remain current. Thank you!

Please note that being picked up by a team doesn't imply that the manager pays all of your fees or expenses

(Updated 3:15 PM MST, March 24, 2025)

Bruce Halliburton: 3/25 CC Northwest Arkansas 1B, 2B, 3B, C 404-374-6209 45+, 50+ DOB 1/7/1972 I can pitch a couple of innings
Jorge Parrilla: 3/25 CC, DC, WS Cleveland 2B, OF, SS 440-315-1732 30+ DOB 9/16/1991 Just moved from Mexico during 2023 and played MSBL gold division, I am a strong/fast 2B, OF and SS. Utility as needed (primary 2B). Current AVG.333
Romer Portes: 3/26 KR, SS, BH, CC, SC, LO, DC, HC, KC Orlando OF, INF 407-404-0027 18+, 30+ DOB 12/4/1991 Instagram @Rogerfitness.32 for more videos. Just let me know ahead of time
Chad Souza: 4/11 CC Rhode Island OF 508-536-1694 40+ DOB 11/27/1983 I'm not sure where most of these tournaments are located or when they are but I'm always down to play baseball
Justin Solano: 4/18 All Florida tournaments CFBL P, Middle INF 929-508-1361 18+, 30+ DOB 4/12/1993
Cole Summers: 5/2 FC and all Florida tourneys Sarasota SS, C, P 213-446-3394 45+ DOB 9/24/1976 47yo Live in SW Florida - D1 College Baseball (Utah), MSBL Father/Son World Series champs (twice), etc
Brad Thomas: 5/8 FC Fort Wayne P, SS, 2B, OF 419-265-8532 18+, 25+, 30+, 32+ DOB 6/21/1991 I pitched in college. Trying to play a few tournaments this winter in Florida and to get the family out of Ohio in the winter lol. Please text me to get ahold of me. Thanks
Bill Rector: 5/29 Rocket City Classic San Antonio OF 210-413-9556 60+ DOB 1957 will be in town, looking for a team
Mark Torres: 6/6 LO Los Angeles 2B, 3B, SS 626-298-5492 55+, 60+ DOB 12/1/1962 Ready to play looking to get on a team
Connor Allen: 6/12 LO Bay Area Middle INF, OF 925-858-4493 18+ DOB 10/7/2001
Victor Connelly: 6/27 Any Florida Tourneys Orlando P, 2B, OF 727-200-6423 60+ DOB 3/19/1948 I�m a bit older, but in top physical shape for my age. Love to pitch�
Richard Goettel: 6/30 SS MUNY SS, 1B, 3B 717-163-5947 38+ DOB 5/6/1986
Joshua Wooley: 7/8 LO MUNY SS, 2B, 3B, LF, CF, RF 716-807-1170 35+ DOB 10/20/1987 I'm eager to play in tournament baseball, driven by love for the game and unwavering commitment. You won't be disappointed
Bill Danboise: 7/16 HC, KC, LO SABL P, 3B, SS, 2B 912-259-0333 30+, 40+ DOB 12/16/1981
Michael Ponce: 7/31 LO SCMBL 2B, OF 909-806-5570 41+ DOB 8/4/1983
Mason Livingston: 8/6 LO 3B, SS, INF 18+, 25+ DOB 3/10/2000
Richard Anderson: 8/28 WS, FC, KC, HC, DC, LO 1B, C, DH 573-772-2764 18+ DOB 8/9/2000 1B for 7 years, BBall IQ is high
Chris Spencer: 9/1 WS, FC, KC, HC, DC, LO, SC, CC IBL 1B, 3B 812-223-9725 18+, 28+ DOB 7/10/1995
Steven Webb: 9/10 LO, SS Detroit C, OF 248-828-6356 50+ DOB 4/15/1974 +8years in the Detroit MSBL-- would like to play in a tournament and contribute to a team
Arthur Martinez: 9/20 LO, BH, DC Fresno P, C, 2B, SS, 3B, OF 559-474-9570 18+, 25+ DOB 8/20/1998 Love baseball, played since a kid, Highschool, men�s league past 6 years. Team player, pretty much ANY position. 5�6 switch hitter. Ready to play more baseball & tournaments
Jeremy Clubb: 9/24 WS, FC, KC, HC, DC, LO, SC, BH, SS, CC St. Louis SS, 3B, CF, LF, P 314-296-8978 18+, 25+, 35+ DOB /25/1986
Thomas Fitzpatrick: 9/24 CC NJABL C 908-414-9244 18+, 25+ DOB 3/15/1996 Catcher and corner infielder with 3 years professional experience seeking a team
RanJan Barua: 10/11 LO OC MSBL INF, P 18+, 25+, 28+ DOB 10/28/1984
Luke Aguilar: 10/11 BH Detroit P, OF 248-520-8422 18+ DOB 7/12/2003
Peter Shifman: 10/12 CC P, 2B, 3B, OF 480-213-1971 65+ DOB 3/2/1952 Live in PR. Mainly a Pitcher. Have played in the AZ Msbl and Redwood Empire League in Ca.since 1986
Jake Jones: 10/12 KC, HC DC LO SC SS Cleveland INF 440-591-7929 25+ DOB 11/19/1995
Kurt Cohen: 10/19 SS South Florida RHP 954-494-1613 18+, 25+ DOB 7/5/2000 Pitched for the University of Tampa in 2019-2020. Transferred to UCF to pitch for their Club Baseball Program. Ranked in the top 25 last 3 season. 2-Year ERA of 2.50 over 18 innings. Previous outing Memorial Day Weekend of 4IP 2H 0ER 2BB 5K
John Schulstad: 10/21 Ws,fc,kc,hc,dc,lo,sc,bh,ss,cc Puget Sound OF, 2b, ss, 3b, P 425-245-3534 18+ DOB 1/19/1993
Jose A. Matias: 10/22 CC Winter Classic JADBBBL C, 2B, OF 302-981-3842 55+ DOB 11/19/1955 Also play third base
John Egelsen: 10/28 FC Delaware P, C, 2B, SS, 3B, OF 856-506-7855 18+ DOB 8/17/1989 Previous tournament experience looking to help out a team wherever need be. From New Jersey, and also had a very brief go in Indy ball
Juan Sanchez: 10/29 CC P, SS, C, OF 510-329-8457 25+, 35+ DOB 8/7/1987 I�m a dominant pitcher that can hit. I can also play all their positions
Cutter Green: 11/2 CC Pecos League RHP 256-531-2657 23+ DOB 2/9/2001 RHP, 90-93, 3yrs of pro experience
Matt Yaciuk: 11/4 WS Syracuse P, DH, 2B 315-813-3936 18+, 25+, 28+, 32+ DOB 9/18/1992 Can be a starting pitcher or relief pitcher, also can play 2nd base and be a extra hitter
Alejandro Garcia: 11/8 CC, SS, SC, HC, BH OABL 3B, 1B, 2B, C, OF 786-316-3450 30+, 32+, 35+ DOB 12/10/1989 I love the game, always ready to play
Todd McCleary: 11/11 LO, WS Arizona 1B, OF 480-415-5246 50+, 55+ DOB 8/16/1968 LH Throw and Bat
Paul Creighton: 11/13 LO (55+), WS (60+) C 208-404-9315 55+, 60+ DOB 5/15/1961 Experienced catcher
Manyer Arias: 11/16 DC, LO, HC, SC, WS, FC Orlando 3B, 2B, C 786-241-2601 35+ DOB 4/13/1984
Luis Angel Maldonado: 11/18 CC Espanol CF 787-509-1266 35+ DOB 11/29/1982
Richard Kain: 11/19 SS Long Island INF, OF 631-505-7923 55+ DOB 2/23/1968
Nelson Rivero: 11/19 CC Atlanta C, SS, 3B, 2B 407-627-3099 50+ DOB 6/5/1971
Allen Arena: 11/21 SS Jacksonville P, C, 1B 904-504-6018 60+ DOB 10/12/1963 Pitch to contact, VERY few walks. If you have a good defense I can do very well
Dave Miller: 11/21 FC Detroit C, OF 734-320-7137 40+ DOB 11/20/1978
Dann Eaton: 11/21 WS, FC, KC, HC, LO, SC, SS BuxMont, JADBL OF 484-744-9292 55+, 60+ DOB 1/25/1966 Contact hitter, decent speed
Tim Terreault: 11/23 WS, FC North Carolina P, 1B, 3B, RF 508-212-7691 45+, 50+, 55+ DOB 8/13/1970
Rodney Lambert: 11/27 WS, FC Chicago Central OF, 1B 708-698-0557 55+, 60+ DOB 5/27/1965 GREAT PLAYER,HITTER ,GREAT TEAMMATE
Harvey Sahker: 11/29 WS OF, P, 1B 647-920-9076 60+ DOB 9/16/1961 Bats L. Throws L. References available upon request
Hector Cintron: 11/29 FC Clearwater 1B, 2B, P, OF 941-467-8560 65+ DOB 11/7/1958
Clyde Foster: 12/3 SS Atlanta 1B, P 678-576-3859 35+, 45+ DOB 9/12/1973 I�m available both Tournaments
James Spillan, Jr.: 12/4 LO MSBL 3B, 1B, P 714-616-6103 35+ DOB 3/22/1989 Solid Defensively at either corner position and decent stick
Tom Fitzpatrick: 12/4 FC Mid Island C, corner INF 908-414-0244 25+ DOB 3/15/1996 Looking to hook on with a team for the sunshine or holiday classic, primary catcher with 3 years professional experience
Keith Buck: 12/8 FC Palm Beach 1B, 2B, OF 561-632-5749 35+, 40+ DOB 11/25/1976 Clutch hitter with Gold Glove at 1st
Lang Elliott: 12/8 WS Palm Springs C, 1B, 3B, P 760-408-1631 18+ to 60+ DOB 10/18/1949 Played in the miners and majors and with the traveling Hollywood Legends pro's around the world
Jamus Peterman: 12/9 WS, FC, HC, CC, SC Bux-Mont, Lehigh Valley P, 3B, 1B 240-625-5602 25+, 45+, 50+ DOB 5/1/1974
Geoffrey Hoyles: 12/11 CC Atlanta 2B, SS, 3B 773-288-9876 25+, 35+ DOB 10/9/1983 Played 1 year D1 in College. Bat left and throw right
Jack Spector: 12/13 HC, KC, LO, SS, FC, WS CABL 2B, 1B, SS 301-356-5563 55+, 60+, 65+ DOB 4/28/1957 Doctor and former HS coach. Technically proficient hitter with high BA and OBP and sound to above average fielder. Average speed and range for age
Hector Ortiz: 12/13 CC MSBL 3B, 1B, OF 602-694-7029 45+, 55+ DOB 9/22/1970
David Anyzeski: 12/15 FC, SS MSBL tournaments P, DH, RF 561-670-7568 50+ DOB 2/19/1970 Primarily pitcher and DH. I�m a current player and play well with others. I�ve played from tball to high school. Msbl played and managed earlier in life and have travelled for many tournaments. I play nice with others
Albert Figueroa: 12/16 FC MSBL INF, OF 917-378-5637 45+, 55+, 60+, 65+ DOB 8/18/1955
Adrian Castaneda: 12/16 LO, WS AVMABL SS, 2B, 3B, C, P, 1B 818-288-7528 25+ DOB 7/23/1998 I have never played in one of those tournaments so I would love the opportunity for the experience
Robert Johnson: 12/16 LO CNMSBL 2B, OF 312-330-6233 70+ DOB 3/21/1950 ROBROYJ@COMCAST.NET
Porfirio Urbalejo III: 12/16 LO, WS Tucson OF, 2B, 1B 520-288-0008 35+, 40+ DOB 5/29/1983
David Lansner: 12/16 SS, FC Mets Fantasy Camp 2B, RF, 1B 917-704-6534 70+ DOB 10/13/1947 Played in KC in Las Vegas in 2024. Keeping to Florida now
Roland Salomon: 12/16 SS Long Island 3B, RF 786-372-4296 47+ DOB 5/23/1986 The stripe and star tournament will grant me time to get into baseball shape. I am decent player. I play to win. I , now, reside in Broward county. Played for the Brooklyn queen expos in New York
Ricky Red Cloud: 12/17 LO, SS CDMSBL 1B, RHP, 3B 518-960-7046 18+ DOB 6/6/2001
Anthony Burley 12/17 WS New Jersey 1B 609-334-2931 65+ DOB 8/6/1960 Looking to play in Arizona WS 65 plus division
Diante Jackson: 12/17 DC, SC, HC, FC, KC, LO Pecos League OF, 1B 510-938-4706 18+, 25+ DOB 8/6/1991 Would love to play more baseball before I play another year of Indy ball
Patrick Ponath: 12/17 FC Chicago, Milwaukee 1B, RF 262-251-7883 65+ DOB 3/21/1952
Mark Acosta: 12/17 LO, FC Los Angeles OF 310-480-2416 60+ DOB 1/27/1963
Dalys Meza: 12/18 FC Cl�sico oto�o P 414-351-8547 65+ DOB 5/20/1955 He participado desde 2010
Elias 'Lee' Manolis: 12/20 FC Charleston 1B, 3B, 2B, C 516-241-0186 45+ DOB 3/23/1971
Jorge Martinez: 12/24 WS Oklahoma City Outfield 405-441-8075 45+ DOB 1/18/1979
Toba Elegbe: 12/24 SC, HC, LO, SS, WS, FC Nigerian Baseball League SS, P 703-626-1450 35+, 50+ DOB 12/17/1974 I am a baseball coach/player based in Nigeria, I represented Nigeria at the World U-18 Triple A baseball Championship in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada in 1991, we spent 3 weeks training at Vero beach, FL Dodgers town. I am interested in participating in the above mentioned tournament for 2025, I am interested in all the underlisted events, I look forward to hearing from you soon, because I will need an invitation letter for me to process my travel documents for me to be able to feature in the above event. Hope to hear from you soon. Wishing you merry Christmas and a prosperous new year in advance. Toba
John Ramsey: 12/24 CC Cleveland C, P, 1B 440-610-2438 45+ DOB 3/20/1977
Billy Castaneda: 12/26 WS NCMSBL SS, 2B 619-928-9010 73+ DOB 2/10/1952
David Miller: 12/28 WS Detroit C, OF, P 734-320-7137 40+ DOB 11/20/1978
Antonio Olguin: 12/28 CC Albuquerque OF, INF, P 20+ DOB 5/26/1981
Duncan Thomas: 12/28 KC Willamette Valley 1B, 2B, RF 571-635-9014 50+, 60+ DOB 2/21/1959 I'm 65, will be 66 by the tournament. Prefer 60+ divisions, but will play in a younger division if nothing else available. Thanks!
Luis Quintero: 1/6 CC Puerto Rico Lanzador y outfield 939-213-9084 45+ DOB 2/26/1976
Cliff Miller: 1/8 WS, FC Detroit OF, INF 734-276-8641 40+ DOB 9/25/1974
Erik Gural: 1/9 SS, FC Cleveland OF, INF 440-567-3852 35+, 45+ DOB 12/28/1978 Ready to play
Felix Alberto Soto Toro: 1/9 CC Orlando OF, C, 1B, 2B, 3B 407-760-0768 54+ DOB 12/21/1966
Yong Lee: 1/13 LO PATPNJ INF, OF 917-344-0287 35+, 50+, 55+ DOB 12/1/1967 In great shape, high OBP, great fielder and base stealer. Played SS and center varsity
Jeff Foster: 1/13 SS Atlanta P, 1B 678-235-8270 35+, 45+ DOB 9/12/1971
Manuel Ojeda: 1/14 SS, FC SFBL & Federal League C, 3B, 1B, OF 786-721-1970 18+, 28+, 30+ DOB 5/14/1993
Don Cutlip: 1/14 FC Louisville P, INF 859-893-7293 60+ DOB 11/28/1959 Switch Power & Fast. Text first to ID.Thanks.
Roger Lara: 1/14 SS Michigan INF, OF, P 317-748-6126 65+ DOB 9/19/1945
Danny Eason: 1/14 LO North Carolina 1B, OF, P 910-366-4626 60+ DOPB 10/29/1964 Would like to play in the Desert classic with a team
Connor Hutcheson: 1/14 SS, LO, FC MUNY Buffalo 2B, SS, OF, C 716-930-8194 18+ DOB 1/8/2005 20YO with eager to play high level tournament baseball again, started varsity all four years of high school, multiple NCAA D2 offers and 2 D1 offers. Currently not playing at any college now.
Courtney Baldwin: 1/14 LO, SS 2B 509-818-8705 40+ DOB 11/28/1982
Joel Witchterman: 1/15 SS, WS, FC Cleveland OF, 3B 330-958-0235 25+ DOB 5/11/1999 Not currently playing, but really want to get involved
Mike Fowler: 1/17 FC, WS Southern Virginia C, 1B 540-819-0092 40+ DOB 1/21/1982 President of the SVABL looking to pick up with someone for one more tournament this year!
Jorge Rivera: 1/17 CC Puerto Rico LHP, OF 727-358-8888 45+ DOB 1/12/1972
Dave Wylie: 1/17 LO, WS Port Alberni 3B, SS, 2B,OF,1B 778-875-6887 50+, 55+, 60+ DOB 3/18/1965 Experienced player. Infield and out. Can catch and pitch a bit too. Good movement and base running ability
Gary Degross: 1/17 WS St. Paul P, 2B, 1B, LF, C 763-786-5680 65+, 70+ DOB 4/22/1950 Played alot of 35+, lately play in amateur league part time with my son
James 'Coach' Crosby: 1/18 Anything after March Scarborough Vintage C 289-928-8662 45+ DOB 11/23/1977 I am a RENT A CATCHER. I catch full-time, almost year round. I stay in shape to catch. I hit around .400 - .500 every season. I do back picks and block very well. I will pay for my flight and a SHARED accommodations. If your calling me it's because you NEED a catcher so the tournament fee needs to be covered
Jorge Alejandro: 1/20 SS New Jersey SS, 2B, C, P DOB 12/19/1990
Albenis Pieters-Duran: 1/21 SS NJABL 1B 551-344-8376 DOB 11/28/2005
Chambers Middlebrook: 1/21 WS Scarborough Vintage 1B, 3B 647-968-9477 40+ DOB 5/25/1983 Struggling to put together competitive team for WS
Robert Chamberlain: 1/21 FC Jacksonville P, INF, C 561-628-5122 60+, 65+ DOB 1/21/1952
Ethan Hyme: 1/28 FC, WS Central Ohio C, 1B, 3B 740-215-5829 18+ DOB 4/16/2003 Catcher primary. 80 + MPH catcher velo. Strong defense and hitting. Able to travel on short notic
John Monaghan: 1/31 FC Rome, New York 3B, 1B, P 315-378-3860 55+ DOB 4/24/1969 Prefer to play in the 55 + Division. I have family in West Palm Beach. Travel and logging will not be an issue for me
Erin O'Donnell: 2/2 WS Greater Philadelphia C, 3B, 1B 609-969-8988 40+ DOB 9/21/1981
Wayne Newcomb: 2/3 LO CDMSBL P, SS, 2B 518-221-6831 70+ DOB 12/24/1952 Hall of famer in NY CDMSBL. Can still run and slide
Brian Smith: 2/5 LO, WS MSBL 1B 424-222-0268 50+, 55+ DOB 2/28/1968
David Cameron: 2/7 WS, SC, SS, HC, FC NCSC Baseball C, 2B, RF 843-446-1706 65+ DOB 11/21/1958 60 age league batting champion. 629 avg
Paul Bilger: 2/7 WS San Diego 3B, 1B 657-351-9177 73+ DOB 11/20/1951
Rick Koch: 2/10 WS Omaha SS, 2B, 3B 402-599-3152 50+, 54+ DOB 7/24/1968 Strong infielder, contact hitter; Active in MSBL for last 15 years in Omaha. Played in several tournaments recently SS and Roy Hobbs (45+ and 53+)
Frank Bolanos: 2/10 LO, WS San Bernardino P, 1B 909-770-0340 55+ DOB 6/7/1967
Shawn Bickel: 2/10 LO Charleston OF, P 502-428-5283 18+ DOB 12/22/1989 Played 1 year of D1 ball. Ultra competitive. Looking for a solid group to get on for the Vegas tourney
Jack Kelly: 2/13 LO San Antonio 2B, 3B, OF, 1B 210-669-9943 50+ DOB 7/7/1967
Marcus Len Francis: 2/16 WS, LO, SS NWAMBL Utility-Coach 870-489-6161 50+ DOB 9/7/1973 I would consider new team okay ...CAL VETS current team
Daniel Fisherbaugh: 2/16 LO, DC Redwood Empire 3B, P 415-971-7002 60+ DOB 5/26/1960
Dylan Wisneski: 2/16 WS, LO, SS LHP, 1B, OF 505-610-6317 35+ DOB 2/1/1989
Justin Palermo: 2/19 SS, FC SSABL P 518-265-3287 32+, 35+, 40+ DOB 12/29/1983 Played College Ball (NCAA Division 2, NJCAA
Ignacio Lara: 2/19 SS, WS, FC Houston 3B, OF, P 281-935-0106 60+ DOB 7/23/1963
Daniel Zamora: 2/21 LO P, OF 909-997-1525 50+ DOB 5/11/1974
Kenneth McGruther: 2/22 WS DC/Virginia C, 1B, 2B, OF 904-310-6721 80+ DOB 2/27/1943
James Crosby: 2/23 WS, CC, LO, SS Ontario C 289-928-8662 33+ DOB 11/23/1977 Im looking to travel and enjoy good ball. Shared accommodations would be great.
David Peter: 2/25 FC, Rocket City Classic MSBL OF, 1B, 2B, 3B, C 602-814-1513 60+, 65+ DOB 4/7/1960
Doug Stanley: 2/27 LO Redwood Empire C, OF 707-294-3071 55+ DOB 11/20/1968
John Zaverl: 2/27 WS NCMSBL 1B, 3B, C 805-405-6934 70+ DOB 3/23/1955 Would love to win a ring my first go round in 70S good hitter good defense!
Anthony Calhoun: 3/1 HC, SS, Any Florida tourneys Bradenton, FL P, Middle INF 941-626-7734 18+ DOB 10/5/1999 Played travel ball and high school ball can pitch and contact hitter
Mark Stim: 3/3 CC, FC Orlando OF, INF, C 502-649-5999 60+, 65+ DOB 4/30/1959 Have played in five tournaments since October. Played 30 years msbl in louisville
Ron Clack: 3/3 WS Father/Son NCMSBL All 208-999-7362 Father/Son DOB 4/26/1966 Father/son looking for a team to join for the Az WS
Raj Sud: 3/3 LO 2B, 3B, SS, OF, P 510-396-0509 35+, 45+ DOB 10/11/1978 Very fit 46 year old, Currently play as a starting 2b in the 18+ division of SJNABA, Great infielder, Solid Bat, Can pitch or play OF if needed
Leif Solheim: 3/6 WS P, 1B, 3B 626-610-6989 25+ DOB 12/16/1999 HS starting pitcher, preseason community college, four years adult baseball (Pacific Coast Baseball League-Southern California)
Kevin London: 3/7 SS PA P, DH 724-717-4148 54+ DOB 5/18/1964
Jon Duran: 3/7 WS MSBL OF, SS, 2B, 3B 714-404-0107 40+ DOB 4/10/1977
Vince Artalejo: 3/10 LO Monterey Bay INF 831-210-0178 45+, 50+, 55+ DOB 2/23/1969 I have a couple more 45+ players if that should fit your team need
Steve Chase: 3/10 SS Central Florida OF, C 386-212-0167 45+, 54+ DOB 3/28/1971
Eric Williams: 3/12 WS New Jersey 1B, 2B, RF, LF 201-978-3287 55+ DOB 7/24/1967 I was referred to this tournament by a current teammate, Marty Rogolowski who plays every year. I would be interested in being drafted to a team
Jorge Leon-Lacott: 3/12 WS Arizona 2B, RF 602-410-8743 60+ DOB 5/20/1961 I been played softball but I will like to get back baseball. I can play 2nd base or Right Field
Travis Rush: 3/13 WS, FC Georgia C, 2B, 3B 229-938-8420 40+ DOB 12/7/1981
Larry Attrill: 3/14 SC, SS MSBL C, P, SS 484-353-9519 50+ DOB 7/25/1972
Pete Brandt: 3/13 LO, WS Ramirez 1B, C, SS 818-800-7230 45+ DOB 4/5/1976
Pedro J. Guzman: 3/13 Any Florida Tourneys Orlando 1B, 3B 919-708-3769 50+, 55+ DOB 2/4/1968 Being playing for 5 plus years between North Carolina and Florida and also played at some tournaments!
Ali Khan: 3/13 WS Honolulu INF 312-714-7069 60+ DOB 6/20/1965 I manage and play in Honolulu baseball league on the islanders and this spring we are undefeated
Steven Caprow: 3/13 FC OF 716-481-1332 70+ DOB 9/29/1950
Steve Pappaterra: 3/13 FC, SS John DeBenedictis 65+ SS, OF, C 215-820-6723 60+ DOB 8/5/1958 Playing hardball for the last 20 years. I'm 5'10, 168 pounds. Excuse the immodesty, but I guess this is where you promote yourself. Run very well, strong arm, and have hit second and third in the order for the last 3 years with MBI, three-time champion of our 65+ league. Plus, high baseball IQ and play for the team, always, above individual needs. I've also attended the Pro-Ball Clinic (baseball bootcamp with major league coaches) for 3 years. Happy to share videos and references.
Kevin Akers: 3/13 WS Formerly Puget Sound 3B, 2B, 1B 425-210-6350 60+ DOB 6/19/1963 25 years World Series and 25+ years in the PSSBL/Roy Hobbs/NABA
Jesus Arrieta: 3/13 LO MSBL 3B, 2B, SS 35+, 40+ DOB 2/2/1983
Matthew Kirschner: 3/14 WS, FC, LO Detroit SS, 3B, 2B, P, OF 810-533-0506 30+, 32+, 35+, 40+ DOB 10/3/1984 1 year of college ball, play any position, pitch
David Froehlich: 3/14 WS Milwaukee-Rock 2B, 1B, 3B 352-406-1386 70+, 75+, 80+ DOB 10/19/1945
Jose Castellanos: 3/14 SS SFBL OF, INF 786-554-9197 32+ DOB 3/20/1989
Robert Jones: 3/14 WS C 575-644-4745 80+ DOB 12/2/1942
Herb Stone: 3/14 WS Sacramento 2B, 3B, OF, P 770-654-5065 60+ DOB 3/7/1961 I still throw pretty hard
Brian Castillo: 3/15 LO LHP, 1B, OF 432-770-2119 45+ DOB 10/23/1977 Haven�t played in years but throwing and working out with high school team that I Coach
Mark Smith: 3/16 LO Middle Infielder 818-371-7502 55+ DOB 6/28/1963
William Downs: 3/16 SS Asheville P, 3B, 2B, 1B 912-481-2221 18+, 32+, 45+, 55+ DOB /27/1958 wgd58@yahoo.comw Knuckleball specialist,can eat inning. Visit my Facebook page: people for the ethical treatment of knuckleball pitchers
Derick Smalling: 3/17 FC St. Louis SS, 3B, 2B 314-441-2231 45+ DOB 7/5/1971 Normally play w Mustangs, but only playing 50s. Want to play 45s week before as well
Aaron Kashin: 3/17 SS Toronto LHP, 1B 416-823-5493 54+ DOB 4/13/1970 LHP that can provide quality innings. Played/pitched Division 2 in Mich years ago. Have played in 10 Hobbs WS and 4 Sunshines classics. Predominantly pitcher but can play 1st base nicely, run and hit. Video , stats if needed ,Thank You!
Donald Goodman: 3/17 FC CSMBL 1B, 2B, RF, 3B 443-500-8653 45+ DOB 5/3/1978
Dewayne Starks: 3/17 LO MILB CF 979-383-4253 25+ DOB 2/23/1998
Jay Hamm: 3/17 LO Detroit C, 2B, 1B, OF, P 35+ DOB 8/30/1987 I'm interested in participating in the 35+ division of the Las Vegas Open in 2025. I am able to send videos/information/etc. to any interested parties. True utility player and true defensive specialist. Right handed line-drive hitter with random power. Right Handed Thrower. High baseball IQ
Allen Byrne: 3/17 WS, FC, LO, SS, CC CNCMSBL 2B, P, LF 919-356-0622 50+, 55+, 60+ DOB 10/18/1965
Carlos Mogollon: 3/18 SS Miami SS 901-616-3270 18+, 25+, 30+ DOB 8/7/1993
Tom Cavanaugh: 3/18 WS Diamond OF 909-418-4342 55+ DOB 1/23/1967 Play multiple tournaments a year with my team (So. Cal Indians). D1 college player, primarily play OF, but I can play 3B, 1B
Clair Crandall: 3/19 SS SMMBL 2B, 3B, P 207-671-2875 54+ DOB 4/27/1961
Harold Sandoval: 3/20 LO Orlando CF, LF, RF, 1B 786-252-6550 55+ DOB 7/27/1962 I play various tournaments across the country year-round
Joe Myre: 3/21 SS RIABL OF, 2B 401-428-5532 18+ DOB 1/29/2002
Matt Christie: 3/21 SS CFABL 2B, SS, 3B, P 813-763-9479 42+ DOB 7/3/1976
Jason Brown: 3/21 SS New Orleans OF, 3B, 2B 817-999-7509 45+ DOB 12/24/1974 JDBSFW@YAHOO.COM JUCO Scholarship 1995. Play 2 leagues in NOLA
Glenn Evans: 3/22 WS, FC C, 2B, OF 757-372-6959 50+ DOB 4/17/1962 In shape .still can throw 70+
Will Adams: 3/22 WS Kentuckiana INF 812-225-3582 18+, 25+ DOB 8/29/1995 Have played in two different leagues in Indiana and Kentucky. Looking for the opportunity to play in a national event
Dominic Alvarado: 3/23 WS P, C, SS 480-601-0359 19+ DOB 2/9/2006
Nathaniel Snyder: 3/24 SS CFABL P, OF 727-283-1136 35+, 40+ DOB 6/10/1983
Robbie Obrecht: 3/24 WS Canton, OH P, SS, 2B, 3B 419-606-1127 60+ DOB 11/29/1963
Russell Bruno: 3/24 LO, WS Clearwater 2B, 1B, OF 813-293-6991 42+ DOB 2/2/1976 College
Sean O'Dell: 3/24 SS, CC, WS Jacksonville LHP, 1B 470-334-6153 18+ DOB 10/29/2001 23 years old from Georgia, played for the East Cobb Astros organization and 643 DP organization for travel ball. Only freshman starter in rotation ever in school history
Charles Tice: 3/24 WS, CC, SS Jacksonville SS, 2B, P, OF 412-522-9477 18+, 25+ DOB 11/11/1999 Currently living in Jacksonville FL looking to branch out to some tournament's genuinely will play where you put me I'm FAST and STRONG text first if you are going to get ahold of me Thank you you wont regret your decision
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