Orthopedic Surgeon and Puget Sound League Member David ‘Doc’ Kuechle Shares Article Addressing Post-Surgical Pain

Below is a link to an article in a series written for the Puget Sound Senior Baseball League website by David “Doc” Kuechle, M.D., who is an orthopedic surgeon in the Seattle-Tacoma area and a member of the PSSBL Hall of Fame. Doc has given Tom Krause, President of the PSSBL, permission to share the article with the readers at MSBL National and our various social media platforms.
“I wanted to write a post about surgery – specifically about managing post-surgical pain. Why is this topic pertinent to the PSSBL reader? Because most of us will have surgery at some point in our lives and I thought it might be useful to learn a little about how to get through the experience relatively unscathed. As an orthopedic surgeon, I’ve been on the other side of the scalpel many times.

However, the only personal experience I’d had as a patient was a few knee arthroscopies – which, while not nothing, do not rank very high on my orthopedic procedure pain scale. So, as my children would say, I had no “street cred”. And then I underwent a knee replacement. Oh, mama. All of a sudden, I had more street cred than I’d bargained for.” David ‘Doc’ Kuechle
Click HERE to read Doc Kuechle’s article addressing post-surgical pain.