MSBL Veteran and World Class Artist Vernon Wells Completes MSBL Player Commissions

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Vernon Wells, Sr. has been an MSBL member in Texas and a tournament participant for many years, culminating in an entire chest full of championship rings. But there is another side of Vernon that you may not be aware of.

Vernon Wells is a world class artist. Residing in Texas, he is commissioned by sports figures across the country, and in all levels of competition, to recreate their special achievements or personal wishes. This also includes many of his MSBL friends throughout the years.

Vernon recently finished two projects as commissioned by long time MSBL league and tournament members Danny Pawelek and brothers Alden and Reid Stiefel. (Note: the image in the clouds of the Stiefel portrait is their father looking down on them and smiling) Vernon was kind enough to send us pictures of his beautiful finished work. Vernon also has an extensive portfolio of Major League players and other professional athletes who have requested his work.

He can be reached at [email protected] if you’d like some additional information. You can also visit his amazing portfolio of work on his website at