MSBL/MABL Website Player Pool Page Adds ‘Comments’ Section for your Submission

Happy New Year Everyone!
Our popular ‘Player Pool’ website page has added a ‘comments’ section for you to add any details that a manager may wish to consider. For example, ‘Played DI ball at Fresno State’ or ‘Have played in 20 World Series’ or ‘Am switch-hitter’ or ‘Primarily starting pitcher but can also close’ or anything you wish to put in to help promote yourselves.
Furthermore, if you have a current entry in the Player Pool, feel free to contact me at and I will be happy to add a comment to your current listing. Please let me know your name and the date of your entry so that I can more easily find you. Please send your email to me with the title ‘Player Pool Comment’ and your short, one-sentence comment.
Thank you all for utilizing the Player Pool. The managers have found this tool to be invaluable while giving many players the opportunity to participate in our national tournaments.
Click HERE to be directed to the MSBL website Player Pool page.
Take care, be safe, and Happy New Year to you all!
Steve LaMontia, MSBL Director of Communications