MSBL/MABL Benefits of Membership
Visit our website at
Questions? Send us an email to or call 631-753-6725
National Insurance Program
MSBL/MABL National offers two alternate policies, a general liability policy without medical coverage for $115 per team and liability/comprehensive medical policy. Each league will have the 2 million-dollar liability policy with the $115 per team policy, which includes Participant Legal Liability Coverage. Each player will be covered medically during local league play and during regional and national tournaments for up to $25,000 provided the league has purchased the combined liability and medical policy. There is no additional charge to add co-insureds or to add additional fields for coverage once the season starts for either policy. The combined liability/medical policy remains the same at $315 per team.
Tournament Participation
World Series/Fall Classic
By becoming an affiliated member of the Men’s Senior Baseball League or Men’s Adult Baseball League, your league can enter a Father/Son, 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+, 70+ or 73+ team in our annual World Series held in Arizona or the Fall Classic in Florida. In 2017, MSBL/MABL, hosted over 4oo teams, including teams from Canada, Venezuela, Australia and the Virgin Islands, participating in “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” classifications. The tournament offers multiple competitive divisions. The tournaments are a culmination of what MSBL/MABL stands for and brings together the majority of our leagues in an excellent display of competition and camaraderie.
Holiday Classic at Orlando / Desert Classic in Palm Springs / Vegas Kickoff Classic / Vegas Open
The Holiday Classic (Orlando, FL) occurs over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and has 18+, 30+
and 45+ wood bat classification and is played exclusively at Osceola Sports Complex.
Also offered is the MSBL/MABL Desert Classic, also over Martin Luther King Jr. weekend. With the beautiful
weather and scenery that Palm Springs provides, this tournament is a perfect fit for out West Coast teams.
Divisions include 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 55+ and 60+ teams. 68 teams participated in 2017.
The Kickoff Classic is a MSBL/MABL staple tournament and has become one of the elite national
tournaments in the country. Held over two successive weekends in March, the Kickoff Classic in Las
Vegas will again host over 80 teams in 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 50+, 55+, 60+, 65+ and 70+ age divisions.
Over Memorial Day, the Las Vegas Open will host over 50 teams. Taking place where the weather is
always perfect and the fields are even better, this tournament continues to be the premier Memorial Day
tournament in the country, offering wood bat for all six divisions in addition to a Father/Son division.
Regional Tournaments
In addition to our national tournaments, MSBL sponsors 15 regional events per year. These weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) games bring together leagues in close geographic proximity and emphasize “regular season teams” so everyone can have the opportunity to experience tournament play. Our regionals have been successful and also provide “hosting” cities with much publicity. The national organization helps sponsor each regional event by donating over $1,700.00 in product and cash. Below please find a list of sponsored merchandise each regional tournament will be provided with for awards, promotion, etc.
- $335.00 cash allocation
- $500.00 of merchandise
- Five dozen Baseballs
Sponsor Derived Benefits
BSN Sports
MSBL/MABL is proud to announce the continuation of a multi-year agreement with BSN Sports, one of the nation’s largest sporting goods suppliers. Each member will be able to see the benefits of this agreement with special discounts offered to MSBL/MABL members through bi-weekly emails. In addition, a newly designed and user friendly online MSBL Sports Store will be available from the MSBL National site.
MSBL/MABL Sports Store
Call 877-HIT-MSBL (877-448-6725) at BSN Sports to receive the guaranteed lowest price on catalog sporting goods or check out our website at to view the Sports Store and monthly specials offered.
Travel Discounts
Avis Rent-A-Car
Every MSBL/MABL member is guaranteed Avis’ lowest rate on full and mid-sized cars. Call Avis at 1-800-331-1212 and refer to AWD code #B745000.
Discounted Auto and Homeowners Insurance
MSBL/MABL members can enjoy discounts on home and auto insurance from Liberty Mutual. Existing customers of Liberty Mutual are eligible to receive this group discount and new members are entitled to a free quote. To find out more, call 1-800-225-8281 and refer to code #9080.
MSBL/MABL Baseballs
For 2018, MSBL will again offer three styles of baseballs made exclusively for MSBL/MABL. The MSBL BB Pro will be the official ball for all of our national tournaments including the World Series and Fall Classic. NEW: These balls are better than the college equivalent ball with EIT technology and patented super stitch raised seams.
MSBL-BB: $51.00 per dozen
MSBL-BB-Pro: $57.00 per dozen
*Leagues ordering 100 dozen or more can put their own league logo on the ball for an extra fee
*Free Freight with orders of 30dz or more
‘Rounding Third’ Promotional Video
Rounding Third is a professionally done HD video highlighting how the MSBL family goes beyond just the baseball field. This video is available through the MSBL national website and can be used for promtional and sponsorship use by local leagues and teams You can view it here.
Sponsorship Support
MSBL National can help support local leagues in their sponsorship solicitations by providing, on request, a full media package, sample sponsor letter and sponsorship summary kit. In addition, “national” affiliation often helps bring credibility to sponsor presentations.
MSBL/MABL Scorebook
MSBL had developed its own 25-game scorebook, which is delivered to all teams at no charge annually. Each scorebook also contains the full MSBL/MABL rulebook. For 2018, we will again be preparing a “League Logo” Scorebook.
MSBL/MABL Brochure & Poster
These brochures and posters provide basic background and benefit information and are excellent sources for new player information. The MSBL/MABL National poster and brochure can be used to advertise your local league. It, too, outlines membership benefits and includes a business card holder for local league contact information. Again for 2018, these brochures and posters can be personalized for each league,
National Rules
The MSBL/MABL National office provides league rules that have been based on years of use and modification to make them suitable for our players. All rules (tournament and national) can be found on the MSBL web site and in every scorebook.
MSBL Internet Website
MSBL has re-developed its own website. Visit us at for information about the league, tournaments, and other news. We also have an on-line, secure MSBL Sports Store, where all types of sporting goods and equipment can be purchased over the internet. You can e-mail us at In addition, our website is continually updated with new stories/features/ sports store specials/player of the week/league spotlights.