MSBL/MABL 2020 Upcoming League Start Dates

Below are the dates that leagues are anticipating opening across the country. We will continue to update this list as new leagues open up. The leagues are listed in order of start date.
Updated July 31, 2020
New Orleans: May 24
Utah: May 26
Milwaukee: May 26
Cincinnati: May 31
Fairbanks: May 31
Tulsa: May 31
Atlanta East Metro: June 1
Dallas: June 3
Colorado Springs: June 6
Memphis: June 7
NE Ohio: June 7
Peoria Sunday Morning: June 7
Kansas City: June 7
Central NC: June 7
Southern Nevada: June 7
Greater Atlanta: June 13
Sacramento: June 13
Seacoast NH: June 14
Terre Haute: June 14
San Antonio MSBL: June 14
San Antonio 58+: June 14
NE Wisconsin: June 14
Central Florida: June 14
Lafayette: June 14
Austin: June 15
Arizona: June 15
Houston: Mid-June
Connecticut River Valley: Mid-June
Washington DC: June 16
Denver: June 17
Central Alabama: June 17
Inland NW: June 20
Mid-Iowa: June 21
West Palm Beach MABL: June 21
Columbia, SC: June 21
Savannah: June 21
Oregon: June 22
Omaha: June 24
Jacksonville: June 24
Chicago Central: June 26
Chicago North: June 26
West Metro Atlanta: June 26
Chicago Midwest Suburban: June 28
Huntsville: June 28
Chicago LaGrange: June 28
Connecticut AM: June 28
Connecticut River Valley: June 28
Indianapolis: July 1
Southern Maine: July 1
Buffalo: July 5
Mohawk Valley: July 5
Central Ohio MABL: July 5
Chesapeake: July 5
Tucson: July 6
Capital District: July 6
Long Island: July 6
Rhode Island: July 7
Hudson Valley: July 7
Saratoga: July 7
Long Island Midweek: July 8
Delco: July 8
Jersey Shore: July 8
Columbus MSBL: July 8
Western Massachusetts: July 8
D4 Baseball: July 9
Chautauqua: July 10
Fort Worth: July 10
Detroit: July 11
Brandywine: July 11
West Metro Atlanta: July 11
Boston: July 12
Greater Philadelphia: July 12
Cleveland: July 12
Lehigh Valley: July 12
South Jersey: July 12
Bux-Mont: July 12
Connecticut NA: July 12
Pennsylvania Mid-State: July 12
Syracuse: July 12
Western Colorado: July 12
Rochester: July 19
NW Arkansas: July 19
Atlanta MSBL: July 19
Blue Ridge: July 19
Westchester: July 19
Glory Days: July 22
Tri-Valley: Early August

The following leagues are all pending:
Antelope Valley
Central Arkansas
Central Coast
Halo Baseball Club
Los Angeles
Redwood Empire
San Diego North
San Francisco
San Jose
Santa Barbara
So Cal
Southern Tier
Tri State
Wilmington, DE
Woodland Davis