MSBL League Startup Update for Sunday, May 24th
Sunday, May 24th 2020 Updates: As leagues are faced with the ultimate delay to the start of their MSBL seasons because of the coronavirus pandemic, we decided to post what measures leagues are taking to ensure their coordination with all of their players and share their comments on their start-up dates with our members across the country. HERE is the link to view the complete list that includes all league reports to date alphabetically.

Omaha, (Updated 5/23)-Gentlemen, first off have a SAFE, HAPPY and peaceful Memorial Day Weekend with your families.
In conversation with City Field Administrators and PACE Executive Staff we will still be in a holding pattern, but a good one, until we can go live starting in Co. Bluffs Monday June 1st. As I hope you can all understand we’ve been given a chance to return to somewhat “normal” activity, but it needs to ramp up slowly.
- Assigned Practice sites to each team
- Zoom Conf Call to discuss BOTH Governors guidelines for health and safety (Iowa and Nebraska). This is a MUST, both divisions, and the NCAA Combine League we will run, insure and sponsor at Omaha Skutt Catholic HS (to be explained on Zoom Conf.).
- Given City Administrators and PACE a chance to not have to drink from the firehose and allow them time to prioritize field times, assignment, and County, State, and Federal guidelines handed down to us which we will follow to the letter of dictation and advisement.
- I’d encourage all League and Division Managers think outside of the box to prep and train prior to the Executive Board releasing an exact schedule. Train and maintain social distancing standards and make use of ETC, UBA and other indoor hitting facilities on your own time and budget. If you need contact details we have an amazing relationship with ETC Owner Max Fearnow and UBA General Manager Larry Vavricek who may offer discounts on slots. I will provide their and staff contacts for booking.
- Make use of the City Soccer Complexes such as Zorinksy’s South Bay open soccer complex, or CB Sports open Soccer fields as well for outfield work and long toss, throwing programs. Again adhering to the Governors social distancing measures.
- We are close. Very close. But need to do it the right way and within compliance of our longtime partners and respecting the massive undertaking they are following.
Again, have a great MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND. What a great country and fellowship we have.
Details to follow very soon for each respective project. Email or call if you have any questions.