MSBL Hall of Famer Jay Ciambrone Introduces ‘Barrel it Up’ Podcast

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communication

Jay Ciambrone is an MSBL legend.  He has also played and managed in 37 consecutive MSBL World Series!  Originally a Southern California MSBL institution, Jay and his wife now reside full-time in the far northwest corner of Phoenix.  Now comfortably over the age of 70, Jay has always had his toe in the pool of radio and communications.

“I have always had an interest in radio, dating back to high school,” said Ciambrone.  “Then my wife and I were walking around Old Town in Scottsdale and we peeked into the window of a radio studio that concentrated on podcasts.  I have a lot of baseball stories to tell and also know many people who would love to contribute so I thought I might talk with these radio people and see if my podcast idea made sense.”

I asked Jay where the idea of a baseball podcast came from.

“The idea surfaced two or three years ago.  I always felt that when the older guys played baseball, you got to know the guys very well because of all of the time you spent together.  You hear a lot of stories and their decades in baseball always reveal some entertaining recollections.”

Following is the introduction from Jay’s podcast home page, which pretty much describes his mission:

“Why do some baseball players still play baseball, not softball, into their 60s, 70s, and even 80s? Welcome to Barrel It Up. I’m your host, Jay Ciambrone. This show will delve into the reasons that these individuals still find the game irresistible.After being involved in the world of baseball for decades, I’ve discovered that many of these players have fascinating stories to share, stories that should be heard by our wider audience and not just their fellow players. Come join us and find out what’s so compelling about these personal journeys.”

Where did the name ‘Barrel it Up’ come from?

“We asked my wife’s niece and her husband to chip in with potential podcast names that we might use.  They came up with 13!  After checking the copyrights on the names, the clear winner was Barrel it Up.”

Jay’s dream began on the air in May of 2024 and now has 28 episodes in the bank, so to speak.  It took him two and a half years to get to the launch date, as it has been a lot of back and forth with the Scottsdale producers and listing out interesting guests to kick everything off.

“The Scottsdale studio I mentioned previously was interested in helping me, as they could do the editing and production duties.  I record everything from home, both with Zoom or simply a recorded interview, and then they do the rest.  They told me that it is pretty easy but they could make it more professional for me.”

Jay has interviewed a wide variety of men and women baseball lifers, umpires, and recently a guitar maker!  Also included in Jay’s library of programs are MSBL World Series Tournament Director Tom Prendergast, APN World Series Videographer Jeff Lowery, and even outlined an MSBL behind-the-scenes journey with yours truly.  He is currently making arrangements to speak with additional MSBL tournament managers and players.

“I recently did an interview with Tom Ribbecke, one of the biggest guitar makers in the world.  We recorded two segments and they went way beyond the time limit, as they usually do.  People love to do it and never say no.”

Where can people find these podcasts?

“You can download an app for Apple or Spotify or wherever you obtain your podcasts.  We are working hard to reach the listenership level that allows you to see the podcasts on YouTube.  You can also simply Google Barrel it Up with Jay Ciambrone and it will take you right to Apple and Spotify on your computer.”

Any final comments?

“Word of mouth is our biggest promotion vehicle.  The podcasts are very entertaining and a labor of love.  Have a listen and let other people know.  Upload the apps on your phone or computer and check us out periodically.”

Below is a segment with Peter Funt, son of Candid Camera creator Allen Funt.  As Jay explains, “Peter Funt tells us what is like to be involved in the family business from the age of three. The family business is Candid Camera. So many stories to tell us about meeting childhood heroes.

We are also privileged to hear about interviews with such people as OJ Simpson, beauty queens, and especially the Reverend Martin Luther King. Find out about Peter’s recently released book ‘Inside Fantasy Football.’ Find out about that book and others at” (Click on Peter’s picture to listen to Jay and Peter’s ‘Barrel it Up’ Part 2)

Also, if you have any suggestions for people to be on the show, or if you have any comments, you can email me at  You could also call me at 949-292-3638.  Thanks, everyone!