MSBL First Responder: Jim Lacki, New York State Trooper and MUNY-Buffalo MSBL Member

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Jim Lacki is an 18-year trooper for the New York State Police as well as a MUNY-Buffalo MSBL member and frequent MSBL World Series and Fall Classic participant, with rings to show for both. He won World Series rings in 2009 and 2010 while playing for Team New Era in the 35-over American division and also a championship as part of the powerhouse EC Cardinals in the 2018 MSBL Fall Classic of the top 45-over National division.

“While some things have changed because of this worldwide pandemic, one thing that has not changed by being on the front lines, is that our mission to serve the public has remained strong,” said Lacki.
“As far as baseball, it’s a matter of staying physically prepared and in shape. Stretching. Cardio vascular conditioning. Being ready, so that when we get the okay to resume activities, I am not too far behind the eight ball. Once the weather gets more consistent, hoping to throw a little and get a few swings in. My daughter is a softball player, so she and I have been throwing a little. I am just eager for the season to start!”