MSBL First Responder: Dr. David Baldini, Bay Area MSBL Member and ER Physician

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
David Baldini has been an emergency room doctor with Kaiser in the San Francisco Bay Area for the past 30 years. He is also a huge baseball fan and plays in the Bay Area MSBL.
“I have played with the MSBL for six years now on the Galileo Giants skippered by Mike Hughey,” said Dr. Baldini. “Mike has been a great manager and great friend. I’ve loved baseball since I was five years old and the MSBL has been a godsend for me.”

“We are on the front lines of the COVID-19 fight and it has changed our practice permanently,” elaborated David. “Every patient is now treated as possibly being infectious. We are constantly gowned and masked. It makes taking care of patients more impersonal. Seeing a smile from your Doctor in the ER is both reassuring and breaks the ice. Now all they see is eyes and a mask.
The Bay Area has been only lightly hit so far. There’s a lot of tension. Most of us barely see our families for fear of passing on the infection. The two-week incubation period makes this bug particularly nasty.”
So, what is Dr. Baldini doing to get away from the stress for just a few minutes and focus on our great game? “I’ve got a tee and a net set up in my backyard for batting practice. For workouts I’m using dumbbells and bands. I’m chomping at the bit to play again!”