Living Through the COVID-19 Outbreak in South Jersey

My name is Bill Mason from the 21+ Division of the South Jersey MSBL league. I’m a player/manager of the Philly A’s. This is unprecedented times in our country and no one knows when things will be back to somewhat “normalcy.” My son Will and I have been going to one of the local fields and just been taking ground balls, throwing, taking batting practice, running and trying to stay in the best shape we can for whenever we kick off this 2020 season.
I’ve managed this team now for 23 seasons, I’m 41 years old and this team and adult baseball has always been a huge part of my life. If I’m not practicing baseball, we are either at a minor or major league game, or watching games on tv! It’s very weird right now not to be getting together with the guys for some practice or grabbing a bite to eat and a drink at a bar with the fellas. I am taking this time to watch some old baseball games and study up on coaching and trying to improve my son and myself while we are off. We all need to just stay positive and get thru this pandemic. Take the time to spend with your families and stay safe everyone! Can’t wait to get back on the field!!!!