Kansas City MSBL Joins the Ranks of 2020 League Openings
By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications

The Kansas City MSBL began their 2020 season last Sunday, June 7th. League President and MSBL World Series Tournament Director Tom Prendergast conveyed that everything went off as planned and exceeded expectations.
“It was a smashing success,” stated Tom. “Every team really enjoyed themselves, win or lose. Officially we adopted the Ohio adult baseball and softball social distancing protocol.

The team in the field provided the baseballs so the umpires did not have to handle the balls. Another change was that the managers exchanged lineup cards by texting them to each other before the game so that the meeting at the plate was minimized. There were no high fives or inadvertent hugging so after the game the teams congratulated each other with fist bumps or elbow touches.”
There were also some improvements to the facilities in the offseason to make the complex even more inviting. A new bullpen area was constructed along with the ‘Royal Parkway.’ All in all, it was a wonderful kickoff as everyone was thrilled to get back on the field.

Below is the official correspondence to everyone outlining the new league procedures to compensate for the current virus: