Greg Cason, Detroit MSBL…From EMT to Patient

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Greg Cason is a retired EMT who plays in the Detroit MSBL for the Diamondbacks in the 52-over division but stays glued to the news and stays alert to possibly having to be called to action at a moment’s notice. But this First Responder story has a twist. Greg recently went from EMT to patient and he wanted to make sure we could throw a ‘shout out’ to all of the front-line workers who are staying the course during this pandemic. Here is Greg’s story:
“I don’t have a personal First Responder story, though I was medical for 45 years, 20 in the US Air Force and 25 years in the civilian sector. I’ve been retired for several years now. Therefore, my hero First Responder story comes from the side of a patient.

I was feeling sick recently and went to the VA emergency room. The doctor, the nurses, the X-ray tech, and the Lab techs who performed my test are truly heroic because they were more concerned with helping others than protecting themselves. The even more remarkable thing about this day was that Doctor ‘D’ who took care of me was clearly several months pregnant! Thankfully all my test came back negative. I wasn’t having a heart attack and I didn’t have any virus.
I was honestly more concerned about her being in there than I was for myself. Dr ‘D’ is a special kind of Hero, so I salute her for her selfless duty and dedication. And I sincerely thank her, the entire VA staff and all our first responders for all they do to keep us all safe and healthy during this uncertain time.”