Father and Son Pitching Duo Contribute to Staff No-Hitters on Different Teams in Same Week in Indiana Baseball League

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Damon Grothe, League President of the Indiana Baseball League in the Indianapolis region, sent us the following information regarding a very special week for the Mertl family, as father and son were both involved in pitching no-hitters in different age divisions.
“On Sunday, August 1st, Riley Mertl combined with Ryan Blinn to throw a combined no-hitter for the 18+ Arrows, managed by former league president John DeCosta.

Then on Wednesday, August 4th his father, Eric, threw five innings in a combined no-hitter! This father-son no-hitter combo is one of a kind and certainly a first in our league! Congratulations to Brett Denneman, Heath Luther, and Eric Mertl for their no-hit efforts on the 35+ Rangers!”