Ex-Pros in the MSBL: Woody Williams, Houston Hardball League

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications
Woody Williams has quite the major league pedigree and has held on to our great game even though his admirable and very successful pro career ended in 2007. I remember Woody quite well as I was rooting for my beloved Cardinal teams. He found the Men’s Senior Baseball League in 2010 and has played sparingly in the league in Houston and has also taken part in our MSBL World Series in Arizona in 2010 and 2015, with a championship in 2015.
Woody was also part of one of our biggest MSBL promotions ever as Roger Clemens faced off against Oil Can Boyd at Tempe Diablo Stadium at the 2015 MSBL World Series. Woody was Roger’s teammate for the Houston club.

Woody agreed to have a little Q & A with us and fill us in on some of the special moments in his career.
Name and home? Woody Williams, Houston, Texas.
Professional history? Played 20 professional seasons including almost 15 years in the Major Leagues
League you participate in? American League 93-98, National League 99-07
Position(s)? Pitcher

What year your MSBL participation began? Began participation in 2010, but attended many games while I was still playing professionally.
Do you participate in any MSBL national tournaments? 2010 and 2015
Who did you look up to in MLB when you were growing up? I was always a fan of Nolan Ryan and Craig Reynolds.
Who was your favorite player to play with? Edgar Renteria was always fun to be around and was an amazing professional. If he went 4-4 and we lost, he wasn’t happy.

Who impressed you the most when you played? Paul Molitor impressed me the most. He made the game look so easy even though it wasn’t. By the time I got to play with Paul, he had been around the league for a long time and been through injuries and personal stuff. It was his experience that allowed him to make a big impression on me.
Who was the most influential coach/manager you ever had (ie: Little League, HS, College, Pros)? When I was 14, I played for an incredible man named JB Carroll. He lived across the street from us and always found time to work with me and coach me. He had amazing patience and at that time it was just what I needed.
Is there a particular humorous incident you wish to share? Although not humorous at the time, in my rookie season with Toronto in 1993 we were in Anaheim playing the Angels. It was get-away day so we had an early day game, and I overslept and missed both buses. I woke up in a complete panic and sweating profusely. I threw on my travel attire, grabbed my suitcase and jumped in a cab. The way the old clubhouse was that there weren’t many doors to go in and out, so when I got to the club house I had to pull my suitcase through the entire length of the clubhouse in front of all the players.

Doesn’t seem like a big deal but those players include Joe Carter, Robbie Alomar, Paul Molitor, Dave Stewart, Tony Fernandez, Duane Ward, Jack Morris and I could go on and on. That was the World Champion 1993 Blue Jays team that was loaded with star studded players. Although I can look back at it and laugh, that was the last time I was ever late to anything. Lesson learned!!!
What do you like best about playing MSBL baseball? I appreciate the desire to win in all of my teammates. Their passion is extremely high for the game of baseball.