David Coveney, Father of Boston MSBL League President Jeff, Passes Away Due to Complications from COVID-19 Virus

Jeff Coveney is the league president of the Boston MSBL. His dad, David, passed away on April 4th from complications from the COVID-19 virus. Jeff posted a wonderful Facebook tribute to David, as only a message from a son to a father could convey. Jeff’s tribute is displayed below:
Today, COVID-19 took an amazing man. David Coveney went into the hospital on Tuesday and passed away today, April 4th–that’s how strong this virus is.
What an amazing father, grandfather, husband, family man and friend he was to everyone. He supported me with everything, even attending 90% of my old man baseball games. Up until last year, he would still give me batting tips telling me to keep my elbow up when I would pop out. He was a staple at games probably attending more baseball games than most of the players in the league.
I could never do wrong in his eyes. He supplied 100% unconditional love even when I didn’t deserve it. I am so lucky to have him as a dad and I only hope that I can succeed as a father the way he did.
As a grandfather, the kids adored him and he showed the same affection for them as he did for me. No matter what, he always asked them about what they were doing and attended kid’s activities whenever he could. And he loved my wife like a daughter he never had.

My mom and him were married for 50+ years–they enjoyed long rides all over New England as they would lovingly bicker back and forth. It was priceless watching them.
Christmas, Thanksgiving and other holidays were a special time for him as he got a chance to spend time with cousins, uncles, nephews, nieces and other family members. He was always Uncle Dave to everyone.
Dad had many friends from working as a cameraman from his days at WRKO, WSBK and WGBH. He was always willing to help anyone at anytime.
Dad also loved all of my friends like they were his friends. He was always willing to lend an ear for all the kids at my high school parties as well as my friends now.

Last night, we said goodbye for the last time via Facetime (no hospital visits). It wasn’t in person but sharing 30 minutes of laughter and tears was pretty special. Up until the end, he still had his sense of humor and positive attitude…”don’t worry about me, I will be ok” was what he kept saying. This virtual session was all made possible by the courageous staff at Newton Wellesley who risked their own health so our family could connect. One nurse even gently moved hair out of his face to make him more comfortable (As a side note, we are supporting a fund for these medical heros that I explain in a separate post:
Dad was a friend to us all. He will surely be missed.
Due to the COVID situation, there will not be a wake or funeral. We will celebrate his life with a service when this COVID situation subsides.
Because we can’t get together in person, your words matter. Hearing stories from friends and family has helped bring smiles and tears to us today. If you have a story about how Dave touched you, please share it here.
For those of you asking about my mom’s health, she is currently quarantined, but feeling healthy. Tests of everyone at their assisted living location are still pending.
Lastly, please stay safe and practice social distancing to help us get rid of this terrible virus.