Dave Sacco Battles the Virus and the Elements to Stay in Shape in Connecticut
Dave Sacco is the player and manager for the Rocky Hill Caps baseball team from the Connecticut North MSBL. They compete in the 35-plus division and have made the finals the last three years. Dave joined the MSBL in 1995 and was league ‘Rookie of the Year’ that year. Here are a few words from Dave as he explains how his routine has changed these past few weeks due to the Coronavirus Pandemic that has gripped our country.

Dave Sacco, in his own words…
“The caronavirus has shown what people are made of. It’s easy to be a good person when things are going well. When times are tough you really see what a person really is. Some people horde, some people generously share. Some people want to help and protect others from the virus, some only think about themselves and possibly their own wallet.
To stay close to baseball, I’m watching Mets marathon games on TV, listening to an occasional classic game on cd and taking a few swings in our basement on my Tony Gwynn Solo Hitter. I purchased that when I first came into the league to take a few swings on Sunday morning before leaving for our doubleheader.
I can’t go to the gym or go to martial arts, but fortunately we have dumbbells and a treadmill set up in our basement. I Miss the friendships, but at least I can still work out. I continue to work from home so I do have time to work out.
My wife Susan and I kayak, play golf and walk. She runs races, too. Right now, it’s walks pretty much. When the weather gets a little better, we’ll hit wiffle golf balls in the yard.

I’m hoping to go back to Arizona this fall for the MSBL World Series. I went last year after missing the previous five but had gone for 20 years in a row before that, always playing with my good friend and teammate, and current league president, Greg Schienda.
My thoughts are that we need to get through this together. Share, be safe, don’t horde. Do the right thing when no one is looking.”