A Message from MSBL Founder and President Steve Sigler

“This temporary pause to our MSBL/MABL seasons has given us the opportunity to highlight the amazing stories of our members from across the country. Many have been highlighted already and now we would like to focus on those on the front lines in our battle against CV-19. We are looking to highlight those police officers, EMTs, firefighters, doctors, nurses and all those in the healthcare field that are giving so much of themselves to put a stop to this pandemic.
Please email Steve LaMontia, MSBL/MABL National Web Editor either your own personal story or a person you would like featured in regard to this and we will get to work to ensure they get their well-deserved recognition. Please cc our National Office at info@msblnational.com on all correspondence as well.
Please take care and be safe and we hope we can all get our seasons going in the near future!”