2024 MSBL/MABL National Hall of Fame Recipient: Jim Frenn, Bay Area MSBL

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications

72-year-‘young’ Jim Frenn has been the League President of the Bay Area MSBL since 2013 and was inducted into the MSBL Honor Roll in 2014.  It turns out that the Honor Roll would not be the last of the awards bestowed on Jim while saluting his leadership abilities.

The Bay Area Mens Senior Baseball League logoFast forward to 2024.  Jim has been recognized by MSBL Founder and President Steve Sigler for his attention to duty and continued baseball passion, now being inducted into the 2024 class of the MSBL National Hall of Fame.

“At my age, one would think I was done with winning awards,” replied Jim.  “I endured the last one (Honor Roll) with being called HOFer by my good-natured teammates.  I guess that will start again!

I am an average ballplayer who loves playing this great game of baseball.  Competition is fun, but hanging with guys and having a common goal of camaraderie is why I have done this for 34 seasons.  It is the longest relationship I have ever had.  This award says to me I must be doing something right.”

Jim’s roots go back to joining the league in 1991 and now shares his playing time in the nearby Tri-Valley MSBL.

“I play on the 65+ Emeralds in the Bay Area league and on the 68+ Firebirds in Tri-Valley.  I primarily play first, second, and third bases and still occasionally step on the mound.

I also played in tournaments all over the landscape and even played against the inmates at San Quentin Penitentiary.  I have competed in divisions from 32-over through 65 for so many teams, including being a part of the Giants, Gigantes, Giltners, Oaks, and Vets.

Jim’s expanding list includes approximately 24 years of tournament ball in Palm Springs (Desert Classic-1 championship); Las Vegas (playoff series); San Diego; Woodland (playoff series) and Sacramento.  The MSBL World Series in Arizona remains the main event every year, as we have been involved in many playoff series.”

With this extensive resume of league tournament play, does anything stick out as truly special?

“The number one special moment is playing alongside so many guys that I have met and have had fun playing baseball with over the years.  Playing at San Quintin Penitentiary against the inmates is certainly a highlight. Also, playing at Pac Bell Park (now Oracle Park) and at the Oakland Coliseum.  I have played at so many minor league ballparks, too.  I am always competing and playing to win championships.”

Any final comments?

“I need to thank Greg Mohr for drafting me into the BAMSBL Dodgers, my first team.  I need to include all my teammates with the Dodgers and Cubs, whom I managed for so many years.  I can’t forget my latest team that I manage, the Emeralds, and all of my teammates.  I can’t believe I am still playing ball!

I have been the President of the BAMSBL since 2013 and could not have done this job without my good friend and league treasurer, Aaron Selix.  He remains a Hell of a pitcher too, with many BAMSBL Best Pitcher awards!”