MSBL Announces New National Labor Day Tournament in Irvine, California

For the first time, MSBL/MABL will host a national tournament at The Great Park in Irvine, California.

- Friday, September 4 – Monday, September 7, 2020
- Age Divisions: 18+, 25+, 35+, 45+, 55+ (limited space)
- $1800 per team (up to 20 players) includes the following:
- $75 per player over 20
- 3 games guaranteed
- Awards: National Tournament Credits, Championship Hats/Trophy, Championship and Finalist shirts
Click on the Great Park picture above for a video tour of the complex
“We are always proud to introduce a first. The Southern California area has been devoid of a local tournament, other than the January Desert Classic, and the time has come to host one, with the cooperation of The Great Park in Irvine. We are excited to offer this opportunity for our teams and league members!” Steve Sigler, MSBL Founder and President
This is a first come-first serve tournament
To reserve your spot, please remit a $500 deposit
Deposit due by June 1, 2020
MSBL/MABL: One Huntington Quad, Suite 3NO7, Melville, NY 11747
Phone: 631-753-6725 Fax: 631-753-4031 Email: [email protected]