2013 MSBL Honor Roll Inductee: John Beaver, Metro Tulsa Baseball Association

Biographical Information:
Your name:John Beaver
City or town of residence: Tulsa, Oklahoma
League name: Metro Tulsa Baseball Association
Town where league is based: Tulsa, Oklahoma
Where did you grow up: Born and raised in Oklahoma. Spent some time living and playing ball in California, but mostly in Oklahoma.
What do you do for a living: I’m currently a software development manager for a telecommunication company.
Family information: Married for 19 years with 3 great kids. 1 daughter–14 yr, 2 sons–10, 7.
General Questions:
Describe your baseball resume: Played baseball through college. Won 5 high school baseball state championships with Asher (4 – Fall/Spring) and McAlester (1) Oklahoma.
What is your greatest baseball moment, either watching or playing: Playing: Hitting the game winning homerun my senior year in the high school baseball championship. Watching: Watching the 1998 World Series 9thinning from the New York Yankees dugout while playing game 4 in San Diego.
When did you start playing for MSBL and how did you hear about it: I got started playing MSBL in San Diego in 1996, then continued playing after I moved back to Oklahoma by joining the long standing Oilers team coached by Bill Hayward. He was gracious to take on a new player and we’ve been great friends ever since.
Do you still play: Sadly no, age and old injuries have taken their toll. After 3 shoulder surgeries, I retired. On rare occasions, I’ve been known to substitute at first base or pitch hit if a team was really desperate 🙂
What is the best thing about your league: We focus on fun and have a good sense of community with the players in the league.
Questions just for fun:
Who is your favorite player of all time and why: Dave Winfield. I loved his hitting style of swinging as hard as he could all the time. The Captain, Derek Jeter. He’s a Yankee for life and a class act. Great example for young players.
Who is the best player in the majors right now: I mainly watch the cardinals and Yankees so I couldn’t really tell you.
Who is the greatest pitcher of all time and why: Nolan Ryan. Work ethic, dominance, class.
Are there any comments about MSBL you wish to share: MSBL has provided the resources to help make it easier to run and manage a league. The MSBL national staff is great to work with and always willing to help.