2013 MSBL Honor Roll Inductee: Joe Viau, Northeast Wisconsin MSBL

Joe Viau is the 71 year old 2006 founder of the Northeast Wisconsin MSBL in Green Bay and is being recognized as the newest member of the 2013 class of the MSBL Honor Roll. This 2009 MSBL World Series Hall of Fame member is currently serving as the league vice-president and is also involved in the Green Bay Miracle League, a baseball league specially designed for the benefit of children with disabilities. To learn more about the Miracle League click on https://msblnational.com/Featured-Stories/Blog/A-Field-of-Hopes-and-Dreams.htm#.UqnwUCfmAzo.
Joe currently lives in Kewaunee, Wisconsin but grew up in Michigan. He is now retired and attended the University of Phoenix, a far cry from Wisconsin weather. Joe has been married to Ruth for over forty years and boasts a son and daughter who have contributed two grand kids to the Viau family.Joe continues to manage the Bay Shore Eagles in the NE Wisconsin MSBL in the 25+ division and brings multiple teams to the MSBL World Series in Arizona every year. He is just managing his teams for now but plans on returning to the diamond when a few medical issues clear themselves up. We caught up with Joe and asked him to pipe in on a few of our Honor Roll questions.
What is your greatest baseball moment, either watching or playing? Watching Hank Aaron when he was a rookie for the Milwaukee Braves.
When did you start playing for MSBL and how did you hear about it? 1989 in the Denver MSBL. I saw an article in the Denver Post.
What is the best thing about your league? We are all amateurs but we are still competing.
What is the funniest thing you ever witnessed on a baseball field? I saw an outfielder jump for a fly ball near the fence to take away a home run but he never came down. He was hanging from the fence by his belt!
Who is your favorite player of all time? Hank Aaron.
Who is the best player in the majors right now? Max Scherzer, pitcher, Detroit Tigers
Who is the greatest pitcher of all time and why? Warren Spahn of the Milwaukee Braves. He played ball without the big salary like today’s guys and he pitched all nine innings.
Are there any comments about MSBL or anything to add about your playing life thus far? I enjoy MSBL because it continues to give guys of all ages a chance to keep playing ball.