Oldest Baseball Player in the Country: Adolph Hoffman, San Antonio MSBL 2017

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications

Adolph Hoffman plays on the Monarchs in the very successful San Antonio MSBL. Just one of the nearly 40,000 players who are staying young within the MSBL nation and continuing to live their dream. Well, there is a difference between Adolph and the rest of us weekend warriors. Below is an excerpt from an article written by Ken Rodriguez and published in the Rivard Report, located in and around San Antonio. (Reprinted by permission)

“Hoffman is 94. Six years shy of 100, he’s making a comeback for the ages. Two years ago, Hoffman tore his right rotator lifting a 40-pound compressor into the back of his pickup truck. Then he bruised his ribs and chest after a couple of falls, one from a ladder while picking pears from a tree. Today, Hoffman is the oldest ballplayer in the United States, a designated hitter for the Monarchs, a silver-haired gang of mostly 65- to 70-year-olds.”

If you never read another article in 2017, please take a moment to click on the link below to be directed to the complete article and pull up a chair. It will be well worth your time. I guarantee that you will come away with a new hero, both on and off the field.
