Do You Have a Story to Tell? We Want to Hear It

By Steve LaMontia, Director of Communications

Baseball is upon us all, one way or the other. Some warm weather leagues are underway while others are working out as a Memorial Day opening day looms. Stories are being created, pictures and videos are being taken and the Men’s Senior Baseball League wants to share your experience.

Yes, this is a tried and true plea that I continually place in front of you but the thing to consider is that the MSBL is a fraternity of men and women who share in a passion for our great game and a desire to know what their family is up to.

I post many different topics on the Website, Facebook, Twitter and in our newsletters. I have found that the types of stories that resonate more than any others are about our members, their teams and their leagues. If you have an interesting story to tell on a personal or ‘on the field’ level please shoot me an email at I’ll get back to you right away and we’ll see what we can accomplish together to share your story or pictures.

Good luck this year and we hope to see you in the dirt somewhere. Thank you all for making the MSBL the number one adult baseball organization in the country. Without you there would be no us. Take care and play safe!